Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Role of Science in Crime Reduction

Biological science, specifically forensic pathology, has become an important tool in civil and criminal investigations due to its ability to determine the cause of death of an individual (Naples et al. 2010, 162). It helps to determine how a person died, what were the exact causes and to determine whether foul play was involved in the death (Naples et al. 2010, 162).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of Science in Crime Reduction specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is a branch of science that has actually gained popularity within recent years as a result of the hit television series â€Å"CSI: Crime Scene Investigations† which has glamorized the job of a forensic pathologist and has created the general notion that most crimes can be resolved by forensic pathologists should the proper evidence be obtained. Modern technology along with constantly innovating techniques in forensic investigation have re sulted in a plethora of concepts, methods and frameworks from which a forensic pathologist can draw on in order to solve a case. The role of forensic investigators goes beyond merely analyzing and solving a case but rather acts as a method of crime reduction through which the guilty are put behind bars to safeguard the rest of society. DNA Analysis Perpetrators of violent crimes have a tendency for leaving DNA evidence behind resulting in their subsequent capture once the trace amounts of DNA are examined. Murders, rapists and other violent criminals always seem to believe that there would be no possible method for investigators to trace them if they do not leave anything behind at the crime scene. What they fail to take into account is the fact that there is no such thing as the perfect crime and that one way or another some form of evidence is left behind. This can come in the form of skin scrappings located under the victims fingernails, bite marks on the suspects body, pieces of hair, dried semen or even eyelashes can be used as possible samples for DNA analysis in order to catch criminals. The U.S. alone has one of the most extensive criminal DNA databases in the world where all it would take is the click of a button to compare a DNA sample today with one taken years ago when a person was arrested (Gabriel et al. 2010, 396). This has resulted in drastic drop in the amount of violent criminals that have been allowed to go free due to lack of evidence which as a result keeps the society safe. Fingerprint Analysis The human fingerprint is a unique identifying mark that can connect an individual to a scene of a crime resulting in their subsequent arrest should it be proven that they were the perpetrators of the act itself. Most criminals seem to be unaware of is the fact that virtually any surface can hold an imprint of a human fingerprint for a certain length of time. This is due to the fact that the hands of all individuals secret a combination of oil and s weat that when combined form a thin layer covering the hand.Advertising Looking for essay on criminology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More When pressed upon a surface this thin layer is subsequently transferred on the surface itself resulting in fingerprint. Not only have new fingerprint detection methods been invented but the subsequent automation of fingerprint detection systems means that it is now far easier and faster to compare fingerprint records from a crime scene with those from an individual that has been arrested for a violent crime (Dias and Dingeman 2004, 22). Cause of Death Analysis Autopsy techniques have advanced to such a degree that they can determine the time and cause of death and in the case of foul play what particular type of weapon or poison was used to kill a person (Chapter 4 2004, 56). Catching criminals is not always a case of finding DNA evidence or fingerprints, premeditated crimes often involve ca reful planning and subterfuge in order to fool forensic investigators and police detectives alike into believing a crime was committed by someone else other than the perpetrator in their midst. It is up to forensic investigators to examine the cause of death of the victim and compare it to the story given by various suspects at the scene in order to determine who the perpetrator of the crime really is. Reference List Chapter Four. 2005. Examining the Body. Pathology 56. EBSCOhost . Dias, Gary, and Dingeman, Robbie. 2004. Chapter 2 Fingerprints. Honolulu CSI  22. EBSCOhost . Gabriel, Matthew and others. 2010. Beyond the Cold Hit Measuring the Impact of the National DNA Data Bank on Public Safety at the City and County Level. Journal  of Law, Medicine Ethics 38, no. 2: 396-411. Naples, Virginia and others. 2010. A Skeleton Tells Its Own Story ForensicAdvertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of Science in Crime Reduction specifically for you for o nly $16.05 $11/page Learn More Analyses of Skeletal Elements for the Science Classroom Laboratory. American  Biology Teacher 72, no. 3: 162-171. This essay on The Role of Science in Crime Reduction was written and submitted by user Keyon U. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Simple Life Hacks to Improve Your Day

Simple Life Hacks to Improve Your Day If you had the choice between going to work and hanging out at home and playing games (your mileage may vary, but imagine your favorite video game), phone app, board game with friends, game shows etc), which do you think would improve your mood? Did you predict video games? Or going to work because work = money = sustenance = survival? Either way, your day just got better! It’s science!Jane McGonigal over at Lifehacker has adapted some tips from SuperBetter: A Revolutionary Approach to Getting Stronger, Happier, Braver and More Resilient, Powered by the Science of Games. She also gave a great Ted Talk on   changing your life, 7 minutes a day, by turning your life into a video game. I am obsessed with it.So while you’re brushing your teeth or waiting for the coffee to brew, take a moment each day and make some predictions about anything you can personally make sure will or won’t happen in the next 24 hours. Whether your prediction is right or wrong, according to neuroscientist Dr. Judy Willis, the mere act of guessing whether you’ll get 10 emails before 9:30 or whether all the blueberry bagels will be gone by the time you get to the deli, wakes up and excites the reward circuitry of the brain, releasing dopamine into your system.If your prediction is correct, your brain goes YAY. If it’s wrong, your brain analyzes the information, gets a little zing from the act of learning, and is more prepared to make a better guess next time. This is the same science that makes Candy Crush or Two Dots so impossible to step away from. When you play video games, every move or action registers like a mini-prediction in your brain, which watches attentively to see if you were successful and then figure out why not.Put yourself in a state of â€Å"heightened engagement† every day–how many steps from the car to the front door? How many minutes before the train comes? How many yawns in the morning meeting? You’ll go into your workday more awake and optimistic just by treating life as a series of objectives, just like your favorite RPG (mine is LEGO Jurassic Park, actually, but you get the idea).  Why Making Predictions About Your Day Will Improve Your Outlook  Read More at Life Hacker

Friday, November 22, 2019

How Insects Fly

How Insects Fly Insect flight remained something of a mystery to scientists until recently. The small size of insects, coupled with their high wing-beat frequency, made it nearly impossible for scientists to observe the mechanics of flight. The invention of high-speed film allowed scientists to record insects in flight, and watch their movements at super slow speeds. Such technology captures the action in millisecond snapshots, with film speeds of up to 22,000 frames per second. So what have we learned about how insects fly, thanks to this new technology? We now know that insect flight involves one of two possible modes of action: a direct flight mechanism, or an indirect flight mechanism. Insect Flight Through a Direct Flight Mechanism Some insects achieve flight through a direct action of a muscle on each wing. One set of flight muscles attaches just inside the base of the wing, and the other set attaches slightly outside the wing base. When the first set of flight muscles contracts, the wing moves upward. The second set of flight muscles produces the downward stroke of the wing. The two sets of flight muscles work in tandem, alternating contractions to move the wings up and down, up and down. Generally, the more primitive insects like dragonflies and roaches use this direct action to fly. Insect Flight Through an Indirect Flight Mechanism In the majority of insects, flying is a bit more complex. Instead of moving the wings directly, the flight muscles distort the shape of the thorax, which, in turn, causes the wings to move. When muscles attached to the dorsal surface of the thorax contract, they pull down on the tergum. As the tergum moves, it draws the wing bases down, and the wings, in turn, lift up. Another set of muscles, which runs horizontally from the front to the back of the thorax, then contract. The thorax again changes shape, the tergum rises, and the wings are drawn down. This flight method requires less energy than the direct action mechanism, as the elasticity of the thorax returns it to its natural shape when the muscles relax. Insect Wing Movement In most insects, the forewings and hindwings work in tandem. During flight, the front and rear wings remain locked together, and both move up and down at the same time. In some insect orders, most notably the Odonata, the wings move independently during flight. As the forewing lifts, the hindwing lowers. Insect flight requires more than a simple up and down motion of the wings. The wings also move forward and back, and rotate so the leading or trailing edge of the wing is pitched up or down. These complex movements help the insect achieve lift, reduce drag, and perform acrobatic maneuvers.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Personal Security and The Internet Research Paper

Personal Security and The Internet - Research Paper Example The 20th century technological breakthroughs could never have been complete without the internet because it has played a significant role in changing the lives of people within this generation. It has enabled people to apply information with ease, to study without difficulty and communicate effortlessly. Apparently, the internet has made it possible to access huge and diverse amount of information without making many efforts as was required in the past. It also facilitates faster intake and processing of information However, the internet has its own setbacks as well. Some of these setbacks are so harmful and have the potential of causing many risks to users of the internet. As compared to two decades ago, today the world faces unique security and privacy issues that were not there before the introduction of the internet. With the escalation of the internet, such entities as advertising firms and spammers that are associated with it have emerged as well. Apparently, the internet has s everal applications such as data compilation, use of tracking and other techniques. The application of these has brought in more weird behaviors like hacking of some sites in the internet. The result is that people have developed some behaviors that are detrimental to the security and privacy of the internet users worldwide (Gralla, 2006). How the Internet influences our livesIt is true that the internet has changed the lives of people who are living in this generation almost completely. Through the internet, communications have become easier as it has facilitated efficiency in communication. Even without a physical television, one can still watch TV online and be able to get faster news. The internet has also made it easier to connect with people from whichever part of the world that they are in. through, emails, text messaging, video charts and the use of the social media like face book and twitter, it is now possible to share ideas, information, pictures, events and videos throug h the internet. In the past, somebody had to write a letter that could take ages to reach its destinations. Besides, the existence of Skype, messenger chats and other applications like Whatsapp has enabled people to have casual conversations with one another. Young people are the most

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The American Revolutionary War Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The American Revolutionary War - Research Paper Example Britain had ruled over the thirteen colonies in America for more than 200 years prior to the Revolution. By the beginning of the Revolution, the wars against France fought on both sides of the Atlantic had burdened Britain with a massive national debt. To ease the national debt, Parliament imposed taxes on the colonists believing it only fair that they bear part of the expenses incurred by the British military in protecting them from Indian attacks and French invasions. The Stamp Act taxed paper goods sent to the colonies. It was the first of these laws while, with the tea tax, was one of the most infamous of these laws. The colonists thought taxation without representation in the British government to be unjust and openly protested these laws which led to hostilities between British troops and the Massachusetts Minutemen in 1775. This and other conflicts with the ‘Red Coats’ led to colonists forming the Continental Congress which immediately created the Continental Army and in 1776, signed the Declaration of Independence (The American Revolution, 2006). The Americans, outmatched by more than three-to-one, were predictably defeated in the majority of battles that occurred during the war’s first year. However, the Americans’ fortune began to change following the victories at Saratoga and Germantown in 1777. These important first triumphs gave increased credibility to what had previously been widely considered as an unorganized, minor uprising certain to be vanquished by the mighty British army. By 1778, France had become convinced that Britain stood the chance of being defeated. Wanting nothing more than this, America’s first formal alliance was with the French.  

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Culinarian Coookware Case Essay Example for Free

Culinarian Coookware Case Essay I.Consumer Behavior Culinarian cookware is sold through retailers and directly to consumers. Culinarian has carefully cultivated relationships with its limited retail network, comprised of three upscale kitchen specialty chains, two department store chains, and 75 local specialty stores. Direct-to-consumer sales are made through Culinarian’s website or its catalogs. Because Culinarian relies on a variety of intermediaries to sell its products through retail channels (see Exhibit A for details), it must be careful how any planned promotions will change incentives for those intermediaries. For example, price discounts offered by Culinarian may not be passed on to end users. Thus, although end users ultimately drive sales of Culinarian products, Culinarian must take care to protect the interests of retailers and their salespeople in order to remain successful. The Orion Market Research Study reveals a great deal of useful information regarding Culinarian’s target demographic. Despite the many options to purchase remotely (via online vendors or mail order catalogues), purchases from retail locations account for 85% of total sales. See Exhibit B for details. This is strong evidence that consumers want to evaluate the quality and style of the cookware at the time of purchase. 75% of consumers in the study already own more than 5 pieces of cookware. See Exhibit C for more details. The majority of households in the Orion study had either given or received cookware as a gift, which aligns with evidence suggesting that cookware sales are seasonal – purchasing peaks occur in May and June (wedding season) and November and December (the holiday season). Because cookware is a durable good (i.e. it is not consumed and carries forward from one period into the next) it may be especially sensitive to sales discount cycles. Details on pre-sale losses and post-sale losses due to cannibalization are shown in Exhibit E. See Exhibit F for details on variation in cookware purchases by month. If consumers are purchasing in anticipation of annual events, they may be especially sensitive to promotional offers. This means that any analysis of cannibalization due to promotions or price discounts must be sure to analyze the full impact of pre and post-sale cannibalization. II.Culinarian success factors Culinarian has built a premium brand by producing innovative, high-quality cookware and developing strong relationships with retailers. Culinarian’s products are trusted by consumers who consider cooking to be their number one hobby (60% of Culinarian customers), and by professional chefs. The company meets the needs of these different segments by offering four product lines, each varying in terms of the level of technology and features involved, but all high quality. Culinarian has also been a leader in terms of metallurgic improvements in the cookware industry. Most important to Culinarian’s success, however, is its relationship with retailers. The company’s focused retail strategy allows the Culinarian sales team to visit retailers more often than their competitors, keeping retailers abreast of new products and training sales clerks as necessary. In addition, Culinarian products are more profitable for retailers than competitors’ products, creating addi tional warmth for their cookware among retailers. III.Evaluation of 2004 promotion Culinarian’s senior sales manager, Victoria Brown, maintains that the 2004 promotion was profitable, while a team of consultants believes it lost Culinarian money. The tables in Exhibit G depict each viewpoint on the effectiveness of the promotion, in addition to our own midrange analysis. Differences in the estimation of projected vs. actual sales largely accounts for the difference in profitability estimates. The consultants included cannibalization estimates in their model, while Brown argued that different â€Å"normal† estimates should be used when calculating sales. However, we find Brown’s belief that â€Å"there is no reliable way to calculate cannibalization costs† (case p.6) to be unconvincing; while the consultants’ numbers may not be perfect, they approximate the results of customers and retailers being able to plan purchasing around the price promotion due to the January notification. We included cannibalization in our midrange estimate for this reason. Brown and the consultants also disagree on the calculation of variable costs. Brown states that only direct labor and raw materials should be included, while the consultants include a much more comprehensive bundle of SGA expenses and overhead. Either could be considered correct, but as a check we calculated a midway point in addition to the consultants’ perspective and Brown’s perspective. Brown’s numbers show strong profitability of $2.4 million due to the 2004 sales promotion, while the consultants’ numbers show a loss of $409,697 due to the promotion. Our intermediate scenario, incorporating cannibalization costs but splitting the difference between the consultants and Brown on both sales figures and variable costs, shows a weak profitability of $106,594 from the promotion. This weak profitability must be held against the negative side effects of price promotions in general, and part icularly with regard to premium products. IV.2007 promotion recommendations We do not recommend that Culinarian continue offering price promotions. The fluctuations in demand for Culinarian products around the promotional period in 2004 indicates the likelihood that cannibalization occurred; we found that much of the growth in demand as well as the corresponding decline in demand before and after a promotional period had little to do with the typical monthly demand in the market. It seems very likely that the decreased demand we see before and after the promotional periods can be attributed to the cannibalization of full price sales by the discounted units sold during promotions. Another strong reason why we recommend against price promotions is that no other premium cookware manufacturer engages in these promotions. Part of cultivating a high-end brand image is making sure that products are priced accordingly, and making sure that consumers are able to distinguish between lower-end and premium products. Price can be an important indicator of quality, desirability, and status in this regard. Culinarian is extremely careful about maintaining its premium brand image, and offering regular price promotions along with lower-end producers such as Star Chef and Kitchen Select would likely erode the brand positioning that Culinarian had developed. However, we have developed two alternative recommendations to price promotions that may help strengthen Culinarian’s distribution network and increase sales. First, we recommend that Culinarian strengthen the point system currently in place to reward retail salespeople with Culinarian cookware. Emphasizing this alternative incentive would help maintain good retailer relationships, and would increase the motivation of salespeople to sell Culinarian. Second, we recommend that Culinarian continue its free gift promotion in slightly altered form. Qualifying customers should be provided with a coupon that directs them to Culinarian’s website, where they can enter their information and have the gift shipped to them. By running the promotion through its website, Culinarian will remove the burden of free gift inventory costs for retailers and, more importantly, drive traffic to Culinarian’s underutilized website (currently less than 5% of sales are made through the website). Additional web traffic could increase the proportion of direct purchases (with the attendant higher margins), as well as keeping customers more connected to the company and more likely to purchase Culinarian products in the future.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Nicotine and its Effects on Weight :: Research Papers

Nicotine and its Effects on Weight Introduction Bad breath, yellow teeth, a chronic cough†¦these are some of the disgusting results of smoking cigarettes. Why do people continue to smoke when the effects are so harmful? The typical response from smokers to this question is that they smoke in order to relax and help relieve stress. Unfortunately, the quick fix happens to be an addictive narcotic. Smoking feeds the addiction, but it also feeds the body with about 40 cancer-causing chemicals as well as almost 4,000 other chemicals ( Besides the visible physical effects, smoking increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and other lung diseases ( With the first issuance of health warnings on cigarette packages being more than thirty years ago, logically the number of American smokers should have drastically decreased by now. However, polls show that 32 million Americans continue to smoke according to the American Dietetic Association website ( Those who continue to smoke, despite the health risks, have decided to take chances with their long-term health rather than sacrifice the immediate benefits of a cigarette. Many current smokers say they are afraid to quit their destructive habit for fear of weight gain associated with the cessation of smoking. The added weight, however, poses a much lower health risk than the continuation of smoking. In order to reach equal health risks of smoking just one pack of cigarettes a day, someone would have to be about 125 pounds overweight ( Negative Effects on Women Furthermore, the negative effects smoking has on women are especially grim. A site devoted to women and smoking disclose that in the year 2000, women and young girl smokers will have a higher morbidity and mortality rate than that of men. Women smokers have a smaller lung capacity than men, which makes females more vulnerable to the chemicals in cigarette smoke. Also, women smokers have a four times greater chance of developing cervical cancer than non-smokers. Another frightening statistic mentioned in the article says that women who smoked 40 or more cigarettes a day showed a 74% higher risk of developing fatal breast cancer than non-smoking women. Additionally, a woman who smokes has a six-times greater risk of heart attack than men who smoke.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Preparing to Conduct Business Research

On September 12, 2012 the New York City Health Department voted eight-zero with one vote abstaining, to enact a city wide ban on sugar-sweetened beverages in containers over 16ounce in size (Susman, 2012). At the urging of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg the health department is hoping that this ban will have an impact on the growing obesity problem among New York citizens (Susman, 2012). Opposition to the ban was evident before the final vote by citizens believing violations of his or her freedom are occurring and vendors who see the choices in what he or she serve the customers under dictation from city hall.Perhaps the group with the most to lose is the beverage industry; the ban limits servings of sugar sweetened drinks to 16 ounces or less in the city’s 24,000 restaurants, delis, movie theaters, sports venues, and street carts (Petrecca, 2012). This means no 20-ounce bottles, no super-sized drinks, no monster drinks at the movie theater, the fact is most of these es tablishments consider a 16-ounce beverage a small or medium drink (Petrecca, 2012). So smaller drinks mean smaller profits; however, it may be possible that this is not the case.The ban does not limit the number of 16-ounce drinks a person may purchase; the possibility for additional sales does exist (Petrecca, 2012). Because only restaurants offer free refills, it is possible that the smaller size drinks will result in greater quantities of sales at the other locations. Business Research The CEO of the Coca Cola Company is communicating with Learning Team A, hiring Learning Team A to research potential issues and opportunities resulting from the ban on containers over the limit of 16 ounces of sugar sweetened beverages in the city of New York.Coca Cola is showing interest in learning what the consumer thinks of the ban; how the customers believe it will affect his or her recreational and dining experiences. Coca Cola is not only showing interest in this information as it pertains t o New York City but also because the interest this ban is attracting from other large cities and what it would mean to the company if this became common practice in other locations (Koebler, 2012). HypothesesTeam A offers several hypotheses to the ban and the effects it will have on the citizens, vendors, and distributors of sugar sweetened beverages: ? Team A hypothesizes that the ban on sugar sweetened beverages will cause a decrease in beverage sales that contain sugar, costing the Coca Cola company millions of dollars in sales. ? Team A hypothesizes that the ban on sugar sweetened beverages larger than 16 ounces will cause consumers to purchase multiple quantities of beverages in replacement of what they use to purchase.Also the sale of sugar free beverages will rise; this will cause an increase in revenue for the Coca Cola Company. Team A hypothesizes that the public will be unreceptive to the ban and believes that the government body responsible for it has overstepped their bo unds. The public will think that the removal of this choice goes against the constitutional rights every person has and that he or she will attempt to find a way around the ban. ? Team A hypothesizes that although there will be citizens upset in regard to the ban, the citizens will embrace the law proving a measurable difference on the obesity problem in New York City. Variables to Consider and Questions to AskIn an effort to offer to the Coca Cola Company the most complete information, the best recommendations, and a reliable foundation on which to base future changes it is necessary to research as many variables as possible. Variable questions to include in the research include: 1) â€Å"The various age groups of the consumers, and their drink preferences. † 2) â€Å"How the vendors plan on handling this new rule and will the vendor adjust the prices, add free-refills, implement buy one get one programs, and add additional drink dispensers to accommodate customers. ) †Å"How these bans encourage customers to leave the city limits and visit establishments in the suburbs? † 4) â€Å"How the consumer understands the reasoning behind the ban and the obesity issue with the removal of beverage choice? †5) â€Å"Coca Cola currently holding a 70% market share in New York; this is a significant margin over the competition (Petrecca, 2012). It is important to research if the customer loyalty level will hold up to â€Å"deals† by the competition and how aggressive Coca Cola is going have to be with marketing and pricing. 6) â€Å"Is Coca Cola willing to embrace this ban, explore ways to market their diet products and fruit juices as an alternate to the sugar sweetened beverages? † Ethical Considerations Ethics play a critical role in conducting research projects (Donald R. Cooper, 2011). It is critical to examine how the results of the research issue breach the rights of the citizens. In the case of the New York City law that limi ts the sales of sugar sweetened drinks there are several ethical questions that arise.The strongest being, â€Å"how will this state law infringe on an individual’s rights to choose the size of their desired beverage? † The motivation behind the law is the unhealthy factors of sugary drinks, targeting one unhealthy option. Supporters of the law believe that this law will help prevent obesity; however, opposition believes it is unfair to place the weight of this issue on one product. Also at question â€Å"Is it ethical to restrict a consumer’s right to choose what he or she wants to drink?Along with sugar sweetened beverages there are other unhealthy products available that have proven effects on weight with no restrictions. Vendors and beverage makes can argue that the law shows bias and is discriminatory. This leads to another ethical issue; does the law give preference or competitive vendor advantage over consumer’s advantage. A consumer, who may wish to purchase a larger drink, may find the need to purchase multiple drinks, thereby increasing the sales of the company but yet not eliminating the risk of obesity.Also under consideration is the ethical question, â€Å"does the beverage company have a responsibility to their customers to reduce the chance of obesity, knowing that these beverages offer empty calories with no nutritional value? † Conclusion Moving into the future it is important to understand what difficulties a company will be facing. Knowledge from research projects provide companies the possibility to develop contingency plans and reduce the chance that the unknown will alter the course of a successful business plan.Earlier this month the New York City Health Department passed a law that has altered the way beverage makers and vendors conduct their business and altering the freedom consumers have in choosing something as simple as the beverage he or she drinks. The Coca Cola Company is looking to go forward armed with the knowledge they will need to maintain their superiority in the New York Market. This task has fallen on Learning Team A, as they will research and discover what the market and consumers will demand to remain customers of Coca Cola.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Peaceful Islam Essay

The strategy outlined in â€Å"Fighting the Long War† is a good one. There are, of course, other options. One is to flee and do nothing more than we have already done. Yet, as the presentation’s authors suggest, this would almost certainly lead to the ruin of America. Stopping action now will not clear away centuries of hate and rage, nor will it erase the religious and political goals of a long committed enemy. Those who are less patient and less willing to lose men to a war, might suggested a shorter war, brought about by greater use of force. The military has been tied back and prevented from executing its full power in the Middle East. The United States could, if it wished, use its nuclear weapons against the enemy. Yet it does not. This may be a good thing. Using nuclear weapons would be unquestionably risky. Other countries which boast nuclear technologies might be tempted to retaliate, which could lead to the eventual destruction of American cities. It could also lead to chaos with unpredictable outcomes. Therefore, the best strategy seems to be to follow the long war approach of the presenters. Perhaps the most important point made in the presentation, was that Americans need to understand the nature and necessity of a long war and that they need to be able to trust their leaders. The main objection to involvement in Iraq was not that Sadam Hussein did not need to be stopped – it was that President Bush went in with the wrong motives. Whether the president’s motives were benevolent or malevolent, much of the American public distrusted him and this hurt the war effort substantially. Also of great import is the section on promoting the good points of peaceful Islam. Criticizing a person’s religion often triggers hostility. Those who have already been provoked by maltreatment by non-Muslims are much more likely to be converted violent extremism than those who have lived peacefully among their peers for many years. Promoting Islam’s peaceful movements, then, is a good counter-measure. Likewise, promoting assistance in rebuilding and democratizing Iraq is an excellent idea. Japan has certainly come a long way. It would be nice if Iraq could too.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Why north won the civil war essays

Why north won the civil war essays From the onset of war, the North had obvious advantages. Over all, in terms of both the population and productive capacity, the North had a commanding edge over the South. The North has two and a half times the Souths population (22 million to 9 million, of whom 3.5 million were slaves) and enjoyed an even greater advantage in industrial capacity (nine times that of the South). The North produced almost all of the nations firearms, cloth and footwear. And it had 71 percent of its railroad mileage. The North was able to feed, clothe, arm, and transport the soldiers. These advantages were ultimately to prove decisive. Delaware, Maryland, Missouri, and Kentucky chose to stay in the Union which was a severe blow to the Confederacy. The North also found many ways to support the war. They developed ways to finance the war. The Treasury used patriotic appeals to sell war bonds to ordinary people in amounts as small as $50. But the South failed in the area of the finance. The Secretary of S tate, William Seward, did the job of making sure that Britain and France did not extend diplomatic recognition to the Confederacy. Although the outbreak of war overshadowed everything else, the Republican Party in Congress still developed many programs for the economic development. For example, the Homestead Act gave 160 acres of public land to any citizen who agreed to live on the land for five years. These were powerful nationalizing forces. They connected ordinary people to the federal government during war time. The Emancipation Proclamation also gained the Free African Americans support for the war and encouraged southern slaves either to flee to Union or refuse to work for their master. Though there were some dissenters in the North, they had a very strong president, Abraham Lincoln, who never seemed to give up. He was the first president to act as Commander-in-chief in both a practical and a symbolic way. ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Introduction to the French Present Tense

Introduction to the French Present Tense The French present tense, called le prà ©sent or le prà ©sent de lindicatif, is quite similar in usage to the English present tense. In French, the present tense is used to express all of the following: I. Current actions and situations   Ã‚  Ã‚  Je suis fatiguà ©.  Ã‚  Ã‚  I am tired.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nous allons au marchà ©.  Ã‚  Ã‚  We are going to the market. II. Habitual actions   Ã‚  Ã‚  Il va là ©cole tous les jours.  Ã‚  Ã‚  He goes to school every day.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Je visite des musà ©es le samedi.  Ã‚  Ã‚  I visit museums on Saturdays. III. Absolute and general truths   Ã‚  Ã‚  La terre est ronde.  Ã‚  Ã‚  The earth is round.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Là ©ducation est importante.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Education is important. IV. Actions which will occur immediately   Ã‚  Ã‚  Jarrive  !  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ill be right there!  Ã‚  Ã‚  Il part tout de suite.  Ã‚  Ã‚  He is leaving right away. V. Conditions, such as in si clauses   Ã‚  Ã‚  Si je peux, jirai avec toi.  Ã‚  Ã‚  If I can, I will go with you.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Si vous voulez.  Ã‚  Ã‚  If you like. Note: The present tense is not used after certain constructions that indicate an action that will occur in the future, such as aprà ¨s que (after) and aussità ´t que (as soon as). Instead, the future is used in French. The French present tense has three different English equivalents, because the English helping verbs to be and to do are not translated into French. For example, je mange can mean all of the following: I eat.I am eating.I do eat. If you want to emphasize the fact that something is happening right now, you can use the conjugated verb à ªtre en train de infinitive. So to say I am eating (right now), you would literally say I am in the process of eating: Je suis en train de manger. To learn how to conjugate French verbs in the present tense and then test yourself, please see these related lessons: Regular Verbs   -ER verbs -IR verbs  -RE verbs

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Bibliography on e-commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Bibliography on e-commerce - Essay Example In doing so, it also illustrates those elements of the business cycle that may prove difficult as smaller businesses begin to grow and the efforts being taken to try to meet those needs. Ted Kemp provides a quick basics approach to how to market goods online effectively without necessarily investing in some of the more expensive retailing software and expertise available. In his discussion, he points out some of the more important elements of a website’s appeal to online consumers, including what to place on the main page, how to encourage shoppers to purchase and providing some examples of online retailers that have effectively employed these tactics. Megna, Michelle. (January 15, 2008). â€Å"How to Choose Tools that Customize Online Shopping.† E-Commerce Available January 16, 2008 from Michelle Megna provides a comprehensive summary of a Forrester Research study into the concept of e-tail personalization. This refers to the various software tools available to online marketers that provide automatic personalization for consumers in bringing them product offerings customized to their interests and shopping behaviors. While these tools have often been underutilized because of the sheer complexity of the process, the study reveals that they have become much simpler to deploy, more flexible for the marketer and customizable in terms of how merchandisers might wish to cross-sell their products. Pankaj Kamthan outlines some of the major risks inherent in e-commerce that have caused problems in the past. While some of these issues have been addressed through more updated software since the article was written, the concerns that were raised by these issues remain valid. This is because hackers have become more sophisticated in keeping with the software and because consumers may retain concerns based upon these issues. Valentine, Lisa. (December 6, 2007). â€Å"One